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PlantEd Academy

Explore the World of Plant-Based Nutrition

with Our Engaging Courses

PlantEd Academy

Explore the World of Plant-Based Nutrition with Our Engaging Courses.

Each Enrollment Makes a Difference

At PlantEd Academy, we firmly believe that genuine growth stems from supporting and uplifting one another. That’s why we pledge a minimum of 15% of all course profits to empower charities. By enrolling in our courses and expanding your knowledge, you actively contribute to positive change in the world. Together, we pay it forward, ensuring a flourishing and sustainable world for all.


Together we build a better world


Our Course Offerings

Vegan Essentials: a Course in Plant-Based Eating


In this free course we embark on a journey to explore the world of vegan essentials and delve into the art of plant-based eating. We will guide you through a comprehensive course on everything you need to know about adopting a plant-based lifestyle.

Plant-Based Sports & Exercise Nutrition

8 week course

Discover evidence-based guidance for athletes in the world of plant-based diets. Meet your nutritional needs, boost performance, and debunk myths. This comprehensive course is designed for athletes and health professionals.

Free Ed-Talks

Plant-Based Performance : Separating Myths from Science

There are several myths and misconceptions surrounding plant-based nutrition for athletic performance that can be confusing for athletes, coaches, and practitioners. In this webinar, we will separate myths from science and discuss the latest research on the ketogenic diet, plant protein, sports drinks, and BCAA supplements.

Maximizing Workout Performance and Recovery: Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition on a Plant-Based Diet

A short webinar on how to maximise your nutrition before, during and after exercise

Athletes, Food & Diversity

This 8-video collection featuring vegan athletes and healthcare professionals of the global majority shares insights into 8 athlete’s training and lifestyle choices while debunking the most common myths surrounding veganism.

Free Infobites

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